Howard Claney
Howard Claney は 俳優 - 映画を通して知られている Vitaphone Pictorial Revue #4 (1936), Gateway to Africa (1937), Isles of Enchantment (1938), Long Bright Land (1937), Malayan Jungles (1938)...
Vitaphone Pictorial Revue #4
Vitaphone Pictorial Revue #4
Gateway to Africa
Gateway to Africa
Isles of Enchantment
Isles of Enchantment
Long Bright Land
Long Bright Land
Malayan Jungles
Malayan Jungles
We Eat to Live
We Eat to Live
Land of the Kangaroo
Land of the Kangaroo
Along the Mediterranean
Along the Mediterranean
Vitaphone Pictorial Revue (Series 2) #10
Vitaphone Pictorial Revue (Series 2) #10
Crossing the Sahara
Crossing the Sahara
Toradja Land
Toradja Land
Vitaphone Pictorial Revue (Series 2) #8
Vitaphone Pictorial Revue (Series 2) #8
Ski Flight
Ski Flight
Pearl of the East
Pearl of the East