Christy Mathewson
Christy Mathewson is a Actor - known through the film Mattys Decision (1915), Animated Weekly, No. 16 (1916), Animated Weekly, No. 31 (1916), The Universal Boy (1914), Animated Weekly, No. 77 (1913)...
Mattys Decision
Mattys Decision
Animated Weekly, No. 16
Animated Weekly, No. 16
Animated Weekly, No. 31
Animated Weekly, No. 31
The Universal Boy
The Universal Boy
Animated Weekly, No. 77
Animated Weekly, No. 77
Pathés Weekly, No. 45
Pathés Weekly, No. 45
Christy Mathewson and the New York National League Team
Christy Mathewson and the New York National League Team
Athletics vs. Giants in the Worlds Championship Baseball Series of 1911
Athletics vs. Giants in the Worlds Championship Baseball Series of 1911